Thursday, May 31, 2012

Crazy,crazy week

First off, my youngest had school on Memorial day?!? Yes she did. Sigh. Second, the big kid in my family, aka my beloved husband, is out of town until late, late Saturday. My mother in law came home for a couple of weeks, she is aka Blingy. This necessitated a moving of bedrooms require my oldest daughter, messy, to move in and share a room with my youngest daughter, ocd clean freak. Oh the humanity of it all. Since the big kid is gone the little one, yang to her sister's yin, moved in with me; in my room(fellow ocd neat freak), what will happen when hubby returns? One word answer DRAMA.

Yin(oldest daughter): I am displaced
Yang(youngest daughter): It's my room!
Yin: At least you have a room!
Yang: You've been in here for five minutes and it's already messy!
Yin: Freak
Yang: Messy Meany

And so it will go!

In addition Yang is in a school play on Friday, a Melodrama requiring pinafores and prairie skirts! Thus I pulled out the sewing machine I received for Christmas and preceded to learn how to sew quickly! Now, to just get through the next few days. Plays to attend and chaperon, awards ceremonies to go to and a husband to pick up in the middle of the night on Saturday!

This week I swear the squirrels are winning.

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